Tuesday 24 June 2008

5 Days to Go

Only 5 days to go and not much more organised than when I last posted. Last night was a hive of activity with things that needed to be done so that I'm ready for the off.

The grass is cut and the plants are watered - vitally important to any big cycling trip, of course.

I now have new front and back tyres on my trusty steed - I have not got any quicker at changing tyres, inners, etc - reckon I could have cycled 20 - 30 miles in the time that it took me to change the dam things.

Nigel has replaced my front and back brake blocks and during the process discovered that my back tyre is "ovalised" - basically my back wheel runs like an egg - oh dear!!! So my final big cycle ride before heading off is being postponed while I figure out how to make my oval tyre, round - this may take some time and I suspect a trip to the local bike shop.

OK. Fingers crossed for round tyres and I will try not to curse and swear too much!!!

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